Thursday 24 September 2015

Film opening analysis of FURY

The fourth film opening i analysed was the opening scene to FURY (00:00:50 - 00:04:05)

(This clip only contains some of what i have analysed)

The film opens with some text describing when an where the film is set which also gives the genre (war), while the text is on screen there is a radio transmission playing in the background adding suspense and raising question from the audience. There is then a cut to the titles which then zoom in and then cut to a low angle wide shot of a German officer appearing on a horse with back lighting creating a silhouette of the officer. There is non diegetic soundtrack playing in the background but is very quiet, the camera then moves to the left tracking the officer which then cuts to a tracking close up of the horses hooves followed by a transition to a long shot following the officer still, this shot shows the scenery and devastation that war can create. As the German gets to 'FURY' the character 'wardaddy' (Brad Pitt) jumps on the officer and begins to stab him followed by transitioning to a close up of 'wardaddy' stabbing the officer which pans up to a reaction shot of Brad Pitt,. There is a cut to a medium shot of brad Pitt taking the reins off of the horse and letting it go, the camera continues to track Brad Pitt as he climbs upon the 'FURY' tank and pans up as he climbs upon the turret.

In the scene there is low key lighting creating an errie/threatening effect, on set there are a lot of destroyed vehicles and tanks making the genre even more clear. The costumes are ww2 uniforms and the tanks are the typical Second World War tanks. Brad Pitt brings a strong presence on screen and a strong masculine figure in the movie. 

Target audience: 
The target audience is anyone (15+) who is a fan of war films or tanks as the movie is a great combination of both, the fact that there is a popular actor in the film may draw more attention from the actors fans.

It is April 1945, the Allies are making their final push in the European theater. A battle-hardened Army sergeant named Don "Wardaddy" Collier (Brad Pitt), leading a Sherman tank and a five-man crew, undertakes a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Hopelessly outnumbered, outgunned and saddled with an inexperienced soldier (Logan Lerman) in their midst, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds as they move to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.

00:00:50- cut to text
00:01:06- quick fade to FURY
00:01:17- cut to text
00:01:38- cut to low angle establishing shot
00:01:43- German officer appears on screen, long tracking shot, soundtrack begins (quietly) 
00:02:45-transition to long tracking shot
00:03:05- Brad Pitt jumps on officer 
00:03:11- close up 
00:03:12- pan up to reveal reaction shot
00:03:24- cut to medium shot of Brad Pitt releasing horse
00:03:38- music gets louder
00:03:53- tracking shot 

00:04:00- pan up, tracking shot

I chose to analyse FURY as i am a huge fan of military history and action films, a massive push for me to watch this film is that i have seen the tanks from the film which made me want to watch the film to see how they were portrayed. I am very interested in WW2 films as they have always appealed to me, i believe that the opening to Fury is very effective as it shows the true side of war even though the film has not gotten into the thick of the plot.

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