Friday 22 April 2016

Final Product

This is my final product that i have finished for my AS level Media Studies course.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

analysing representation of gender in a clip

The clip i chose to analyse was from the TV series Strike Back (S04E09) Shadow Warfare

Monday 7 March 2016

Evaluation Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the product? 

I feel that i have learned how to effectively manage my time to create an effective media product as my preliminary was rushed so it was not as good as it could've been whereas my main product turned out better than i had anticipated. Another thing i  feel that i have improved on is how to use a camera and camera equipment, i feel that i have made an improvement in the quality of camera by holding it steady and improving my zooming in/out of the camera to improve the picture and effect within that specific scene. Also i have improved moving the camera (panning) to give a more smooth and less jerking movement, this helps to give my product a more professional look. I also think that since my preliminary task i have gained more knowledge and understanding for the mise-en-scene to create a more effective looking product. I had also improved the quality of sound to get a good end product by using the right sounds and getting them at the right levels to add a deeper effect. My props and costumes had improved as well to give a more realistic and believable look and feel to the product, my costume used genuine equipment which gives it a much more realistic effect compared to the costumes used in my preliminary as that was shot rather quickly so not as much effort was put into the costumes and props. My editing has improved a lot, as in my final media product i have used more editing techniques, such as slow motion and transitions between scenes.

Evaluation Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt a lot about different sorts of technologies, for example I now know how to effectively operate a camera to create a product and also how to use a tripod to create smooth shots and panning. I have also learnt a lot of new computer technology skills, such as iMovie as I hadn't had any experience on iMovie before working on my media tasks and also I have learned a lot of new skills on Photoshop and how to create an ident for my main media task, I have also learnt how to get and import sound effects into a media product. A big skill that I have learnt during my media task is how to use blogger and YouTube as I had no idea how to use them and upload projects on them, so I have learned a new skill for the future if I decide to make any more YouTube videos. Another thing i have learnt about technologies is that i should not rely on them all the time as mistakes can and will happen, so i should always create copies of my work to ensure that all of the effort i put into my work is not lost if something does go wrong with the technology and also that i know it is safe.

Evaluation Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?
I attracted my audience with the conventions of a Thriller and by keeping it basic so that there is no confusion within the narrative, this attracts the audience as they are able to fully understand the narrative of the film. I also tried to incorporate factors of other Thriller and Zombie films so that it would be attractive to those who are a fan of the zombie/thriller genre, for example I gained some ideas for the mis-en-scene from various TV shows and Films, such as writing 'HELP' on the barn door, i gained this idea from both The Walking Dead and Dawn of The Dead.

How does your Thriller hold the audience's attention?
My Thriller holds the audience's attention by not revealing much of the story away and keeping them guessing and thinking about the danger and the mysterious being that only the audience knows is there, by doing this it causes the audience to know more than the character within the film does which makes them concerned for the character's safety. Also with the audience knowing more than the character it makes them want to see that the character gets along safely and does not get harmed.

Why would they want to carry on watching after your opening has ended?
The audience would want to carry on watching after my opening has ended because i purposefully ended it on a cliffhanger of the main character raising and firing the gun towards the camera, this leaves a lot of questions unanswered for the viewer, such as 'who was he shooting at?' and 'will he be safe?' so by leaving it on a cliffhanger it leaves the audience wanting more and to know more.

Audience feedback, what did they say they enjoyed?
I got a range of feedback and from different age ranges. My target audience (15-25) that i got feedback from was very positive and they thought that the narrative was good and the way that it was told was very good. The older generation (25-50) that viewed my product and gave feedback also gave positive feedback but it was not as strong as the younger generation, a majority of them said that it was very good and if it were a real film that they would go and watch the full product whereas the others said that it was good but it was not the sort of thing that they would go and watch.

Evaluation Question 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Who would be the audience for your media product? 
The audience for my Media Product would be people aged about 15 - 25 as this is the typical sort of age which watch that sort of thrillers, they would usually be male and middle class as it is not typically the sort of media product in which you would expect upper class people to watch or female.

Why would they watch your film?
They would watch my film as it may be the sort of genre which they are interested in, also it may be because they want to see a thriller film that is a bit different to the normal sort of Thriller that you may expect. Another reason the might watch my film is because the may like other Thriller/Zombie films, so they will view mine as they like the sort of genre/narrative of my product. By adding guns it will attract my audience as a majority of men like guns and weapons.

What would appeal to them?
There is numerous things that would appeal to them, for example, an appealing factor may be the use of blood and weapons as this is the typical and recognizable thing that is in Thrillers and Zombie films so this might attract the audience to watch it. Also by having the typical things that are expected in the thriller genre it means that it is what may be expected from a thriller genre and contain what is expected from it. 

Refer to the audience feedback you received on the finished product – who enjoyed it most?
The people who enjoyed my film most was the younger generation, which was my target audience. This shows that my film worked well at attracting the younger audience and that my film did a good job of what it was supposed to do. The reason they enjoyed it most was do to the thrill factor and that it had included what they would have expected from a zombie/thriller film, which is good to get feedback on as it shows that I have managed to make my film appeal to the intended audience and included what is needed to make it effective.

Evaluation Question 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distributed your media product and why?
My media product might be distributed by a mini-major film studio if it was to become a full feature film as it is not the sort of film that would get almost annual releases, as it would take a long time in production. Also my media product is the sort that would not get distributed by major film studios, but mini-major film studios instead, for example 28 Days Later was produced by the British Film Council which is aiming at distributing British film productions nationally and internationally, this would be good for my product as it would not only get a wide audience for my film but it would also bring attention to the British Film Making industry. 28 Days Later was a huge success, which lead to it getting a sequel but the sequel was distributed by a different company, so by distributing it internationally could grab the attention of bigger Film production companies which could mean that I would be able to get a bigger budget and make a better film sequel.
If my product was to be distributed by a film company, it may be distributed by the British Film Council as it would've promoting British film but it has dealt with my film genre before so they will be experienced in how and where to distribute my media product. 

 Also It could be distributed on television as a series or serial as there are a few zombie/thriller media products that are currently showing on television, such as Z Nation and The Walking Dead, by distributing my product as a television series/serial it could mean that it gets a large audience internationally and could get released on DVD once a series has finished.