Monday 7 March 2016

Evaluation Question 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Who would be the audience for your media product? 
The audience for my Media Product would be people aged about 15 - 25 as this is the typical sort of age which watch that sort of thrillers, they would usually be male and middle class as it is not typically the sort of media product in which you would expect upper class people to watch or female.

Why would they watch your film?
They would watch my film as it may be the sort of genre which they are interested in, also it may be because they want to see a thriller film that is a bit different to the normal sort of Thriller that you may expect. Another reason the might watch my film is because the may like other Thriller/Zombie films, so they will view mine as they like the sort of genre/narrative of my product. By adding guns it will attract my audience as a majority of men like guns and weapons.

What would appeal to them?
There is numerous things that would appeal to them, for example, an appealing factor may be the use of blood and weapons as this is the typical and recognizable thing that is in Thrillers and Zombie films so this might attract the audience to watch it. Also by having the typical things that are expected in the thriller genre it means that it is what may be expected from a thriller genre and contain what is expected from it. 

Refer to the audience feedback you received on the finished product – who enjoyed it most?
The people who enjoyed my film most was the younger generation, which was my target audience. This shows that my film worked well at attracting the younger audience and that my film did a good job of what it was supposed to do. The reason they enjoyed it most was do to the thrill factor and that it had included what they would have expected from a zombie/thriller film, which is good to get feedback on as it shows that I have managed to make my film appeal to the intended audience and included what is needed to make it effective.

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