Friday 6 November 2015

Research into genre/film opening

I am researching horror/zombie thriller and what shots, sound, editing and Mise en scene they use.

Camera- zombie thriller films often use close ups to show reactions and also use  longs shots with long shot lengths which add to the suspense within a scene. By using close up reaction shots it allows the audience to develop an understanding of the characters and what they are like and their personality. The cuts used are mostly fast cuts to carry on the narrative and possibly disorientate the audience, in some scenes slow cuts are used to add effect
For example if one of the group get bitten/infected then it could be a slow cut to add effect in the scene. There may be use of different angles to add tension to a scene for example canted angles are often used in a chase sequence or to imply that something is not right within the scene.

Sound- sound is an important part in any film but in zombie thrillers it is used in a variety of ways and can alter the feelings and emotions of the audience by using a variety of non diegetic soundtrack by changing the style of soundtrack. Diegetic sound is very important as it is what completes a film as it is what is important to fully understand the narrative.

Editing- editing is what makes the film flow and in zombie thrillers there is a lot of editing to make sure that the audience fully understand the narrative and the story behind it, usually the editing is cuts which are usually fast cuts but can also take a longer time, this adds effect and curiosity to the narrative story

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