Thursday 5 November 2015

Target audience and BBFC classification of 15 rated film

My target audience is teenagers, as teenagers are the typical audience to visit Zombie/thriller films as these people would bring in the most profit if this was a large release film.
The age rating for my film would be 15 as i would not make it so gory and inappropriate for that age rating, also by reducing the age rating it means that i also increase the range of people who can come and see my product.

BBFC classification of 15 rated film:
If a film is rated 15 this means that it may include any if all of these things:
-strong violence
-frequent strong language
-portrayals of sexual activity
-strong verbal references to sex
-sexual nudity
-brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
-discriminatory language or behaviour
-drug taking


My film would include strong violence and possibly strong language, but also because it is a thriller/horror it would have to be a 15 as the BBFC states that 'at 15 there can be strong threat and horror as long as there is no sustained focus on  sadistic or sexualised threat.' As my product does not contain any focus on sadistic or sexualised threat this means it is suitable to be labelled at 15

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