Wednesday 9 December 2015

Props for filming

Props for my final production

All of my props I will use are safe and will be kept safe and out of view when we are not filming. I have numerous Airsoft replica firearms which my actors can use for my final production film, I want to incorporate weapons as they show that there will be conflict within the film and also having weapons has connotations with them such as; something/someone needs protecting, there will be some form of conflict and that something will need resolving through violence.

Knife- I have a prop rubber knife that one of my actors will have, to show that there may be some close conflict between the survivor and the zombie which adds tension and suspense within the film.

Guns- The guns that i will be using are all Airsoft imitation firearms so they do not cause any harm to any individual as they will not be loaded. I will ensure that when we are not filming the guns are out of view of any passer by so that they do not get alarmed by thinking that they are real firearms. By using these props it means that my final production will look realistic and will have a good impact on the audience. By using guns it conforms to the zombie thriller genre as in almost all zombie thriller films contain a gun or some form of weapon which shows there will be the need to resolve an issue with lethal actions. I will use larger guns as they are seen as more threatening, they also have an intimidating look towards them meaning that they will give a tense atmosphere to the film opening.

2 Assault Rifles that may be used

I also have a pyrotechnic sound emitter which i could possibly use but would have to think of where to incorporate it into my film opening, i would also have to ask the farm manager if i would be allowed to detonate the pyrotechnic as there are offices on site and i wouldn't want to cause any alarm or startle the livestock which is also at the filming location.

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