Tuesday 12 January 2016

Filming Day

To film footage for my film, it only took one day as I managed to agree timings to go to the shooting location and made sure that my actor was not busy on that day.

During my day of filming we arrived at the location in the morning and quickly set up the props within the barn for the later scene. After I had set up the props and equipment in the barn we went over the plans for the day and the narrative to the story so that my actor could understand the situation in which my product was based in. Once we had set up and got ready I gathered the footage in which I needed for my product, I shot it in order of how my final product would go so that I knew what I had shot and what still needed to be shot.
After looking through my shots on the camera at the location I noticed how a few shots needed re-shooting as they were either out of focus or were not very good so I re-shot them, for example one of the shots in the barn was not very good as in part of the footage the actor was behind a pillar as a piece of action was taking place, so I had to re-shoot that scene in a different position which allowed me to shoot and see the action that was taking place clearly.
The weather on the day of shooting was quite overcast and slightly foggy which worked in favour of my product as it gave the footage a more eerie and spooky effect. Also it was fairly dark as there was a lot of cloud coverage, which again added an affect to my footage giving it a more post-apocalyptic look and feel.
An issue with filming on that day was that the ground was very muddy and the bipod to the camera kept sinking into the mud which sometimes made keeping the camera steady a little bit tricky, but I managed to overcome this by finding a way of keeping the bipod still so that I was able to shoot footage without the camera sinking into the mud. Another issue was that part of the costume kept falling of and moving about so in some shots it was in a different position to what it was in before, so some of these shots had to be re-shot.

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