Sunday 31 January 2016

Editing Footage

Here I was editing the opening titles to correct the timings and make sure that the transition between the ident, titles and opening scene worked well and wasn't too sudden or too slow. I did this by adding a 'fade to black' transition before and after the large amount of text that appears so that it flows well with the rest of the product.
At first I couldn't decide whether to have a normal cut between the titles but after trialling it and seeing the effect and feedback of my peers I chose to use the fade to black as it was more appealing and also gave it a smoother finish instead of jumping too quickly to the different scene.

In this section I was editing the speed of this scene as I needed to speed it up so that my product does not overrun the 2 minute mark by much, luckily even with the footage sped up it still looked natural and did not look odd. I also added a 'cross dissolve' transitions between the two scenes where my actor is walking along the bridge so that it gives it a sense of an advancement in time and it gives it added affect to the audience.
I received a lot of positive feedback on using the 'cross dissolve' technique as the audience commented on the effect that it had saying that it was 'effective and different' which means that it worked well and was not a sort of technique that is used often.

At the end of my product I had a slow-motion effect on the footage of when the bullet shell casing hits the floor, I did this because I thought it added a good effect and makes it seem as if time is slowing down, also with it being slow motion it can add a sense of discomfort which is what I was aiming for.
I received very good feedback about using slow motion as the audience that I showed it to said that it allows them to see the shell casing spin in the air which they thought was effective and different in terms of that it isn't something that is usually seen within other media (film) products.

within my product I used a variety of editing techniques to create different effects, for example I added a filter over the footage so that it creates a more gloomy and slightly unnatural look to the final product, by adding the filter it also made the genre of my product clear, making it seem like a horror or a thriller film of some sorts. In the end scene I used a fade to white transition between the actor pointing the gun at the camera and shell casing hitting the floor, I put this transition at 0.2 seconds so that it would be a quick jump from the gun firing and the shell casing hitting the floor, this is more realistic and also by having it as white it acts as the flash from the gun being fired.

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