Wednesday 3 February 2016

Rough draft

Rough draft:

(Video will be uploaded Monday)

I think that some aspects of my draft worked well whereas others did not, for example I think that my opening text did not appear on the screen long enough for the audience to fully read it, so in my final product I will have to lengthen the amount of time that it appears on screen so that my audience has time to read all of the text. within my draft I did not have any sort of footage of the zombie figure apart from a POV shot, to improve this I will add more footage but not so much as I want to keep the identity of the figure a mystery and not give away too much information so that it leaves unanswered questions that will attract my audience. Some of the diegetic and non-diegetic sound did not work well, or was too loud so for my final product I will have to adjust the sound so that it does not drown out some of the diegetic sounds, or so that some of the diegetic sound does not seem too loud and unnatural within the scene.
Overall I think my rough draft turned out okay but it has opened up my eye to see what I can to improve and alter to make my final product better and more realistic, with completing a rough draft firs it also means that I can see what timing I am at and how much more footage I can put in/take away to make sure my final video does not overrun the two minute target by a ridiculous amount.

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