Monday 1 February 2016


For my final product I used a variety of sound effects and non-diegetic music in it.
I sourced some of the sound effects from iMovie and the rest from a website called, as this site offers a wide range of sound effects which are very realistic and are able to add a  good/suspenseful effect to my film. For example I managed to find a realistic sound of a rifle being shot which I used for the scene in which the protagonist fires the rifle, my audience thought that his sound effect was good as the rifle sot sounded powerful and had the echo afterward which gave an added sense of realism to my product.
I sourced the music from, this site allowed me to gain access to effective and scene-setting music which worked to give my product an added atmosphere to it as the sound allows the audience to suggest what is gong to happen within the scene so it was important that I found the best suited music for my product, I did this by applying the different music to the scene and showing my audience and getting their feedback on which one suited the scene the best. With my audience feedback I chose what music to use and which scenes I was going to put it over. I was originally going to have music running over the entirety of my product but after I got audience feedback they said how it would be better if in the beginning scenes I did not have any non-diegetic sound and just had the natural sound within the scene, such as the twigs snapping and some birds singing in the trees.

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