Tuesday 2 February 2016


For my title I had the title of the film (DAY 785) in a rough font and in red so that it sticks with the genre convention, also with the colour of red that I chose could symbolize blood and danger which would relate to my media product as it is a horror/thriller.
My original idea for my titles was for it to appear whilst action was happening behind it, but after gaining audience feedback and re-thinking it, it turned out that the title was too large and was also making the audience pay attention to the title instead of what was happening behind it. Because of this I decided to have my titles separate to any action that takes place to avoid distracting the audience.
I finally chose to have my title at the beginning and have the text on a plain black background with the title text on it so that it is easier to read and is also not taking the viewers attention away from anything else that is happening. Also by having it at the beginning of my product it allows the audience to see the title of the film first so they can get a gist of what the film is going to be about.
This is my final title design

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