Monday 7 March 2016

Evaluation Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I used forms and conventions from real media products within my media product, for example I got some of my ideas from the TV show The Walking Dead as I got the idea of having writing on a door from The Walking Dead as I think it adds effect and recognisable features from actual media products, I believe that this also helps to get across the genre and what can be expected within the product. Typically films of the thriller genre use busy environment and are in urban/suburban areas, I challenged this conventions by using a very different environment, which was a farm. Using a farm is a complete binary opposite to the usual thriller environments, I did this because it takes away the sense of security from the character by placing him in a vulnerable area. Apart from this my product conforms to the main thriller conventions by having an enigma which is usually solved by the lead character, and the lead character usually being police, government or Military and also that there will be a rational or supernatural explanation to the enigma, which in my case was that there was an outbreak. Within my final media product I also used the ideas from a book that i read, this book is where i got the inspirations for the costume and props, which was military clothing with and assault rifle for a prop. I also got the idea of shooting my film on an 'abandoned' from from The Walking Dead also as there are parts in the series which are shot in abandoned farmlands. 

What conventions of the thriller genre have you used? 
I have used many conventions of the thriller genre, such as including a bit of action, suspense and curiosity so that the audience is grabbed into the film to watch it, as the aim of a thriller film is to create suspense and excitement for the audience to please them, which is what I have done.

Have you challenged any conventions?
I challenged the convention of the thriller taking place in a busy/populated urban/suburban location as my film took place in a post-apocalyptic world where it is not busy or populated and it is not in an urban/suburban location, as it is on a farm in the middle of nowhere which is a binary opposite to the typical setting for a thriller. I chose to do this as it gives my product and atmosphere and makes it more effective with more scenery unlike an urban area.

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