Monday 7 March 2016

Evaluation Question 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My  media product represents the older generation as my main character is older instead of younger, this shows that its not only the young who are in the military and survive in an apocalypse as in most zombie/thriller media products they show younger generations, but i thought that by having an older lead character would challenge the typical convention and also make it seem more realistic. I also think that having an older male character as the lead character brings a strong and positive role to the media product as he is shown in military gear which has positive connotations on it's own, but by showing an older male character also brings across a strong authoritative figure. This also follows the stereotype that older men are more 'in charge' and authoritative, so my product does stick to this stereotype. When i used the low angle close up shot of the character it shows the authority and control that he has over the situation.

Which social groups feature in your film?
The social group that featured in my film was a middle class man who was wearing military clothing, this implies that he is/was military. As i only had one lead character within my film i have not shown a range of different social groups, however if my film was a full-length film i would have introduced different characters from a range of different social groups as this would make my media product more realistic and believable.

How have you portrayed them?
I have portrayed them in a positive way as the military clothing and weapons could represent justice and protection, also i have shown that by entering the door that says 'help' shows that he is responding to someone's call for help which can suggest that he is the 'hero' within the narrative, it can also show that he is a good samaritan coming to someone's aid. Also with the character carrying a gun it shows that he has authority and is able to protect himself, this gives the connotation that the character is skilled and strong enough to look after himself.

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